Twenty Second Filmpoem (the 22nd Filmpoem) is twenty 20 second Filmpoems, conceived when Alastair was asked to do a Pecha Kucha event at the Infomatics Forum at the University of Edinburgh.
Alastair notes. “Pecha Kucha is a storytelling format where a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds of commentary each. I thought I’d do something a little different, actually create some work for the event. I commissioned 20 writers, listed below, to write against some 1960s found footage I’d edited. It’s ambitious and inevitably some bits work much better than others, but for me it is imperative to push this a little, to leave my comfort zone. All the writing is superb, and for that I am thankful. I also took the opportunity of using Vladimir Kryutchev’s binaural field recordings, for which I thank him.”
Writers involved, in order Andrew McCallum Crawford/ Mary McDonough-Clark/ Guinevere Glasfurd/ Elspeth Murray / Janette Ayachi / Jane McCance/ Donna Campbell/ Ewan Morrison/ Angela Readman/ Gérard Rudolf/ Zoe Venditozzi/ Jo Bell/ Sally Evans/ Pippa Little/ Tony Williams/ Robert Peake/ Stevie Ronnie/ Sheree Mack/ Emily Dodd
Twenty Second Filmpoem has been widely screened at film festivals.