Alba is part of a series of films commissioned by Absent Voices, an artist-led project centred on the Scottish town of Greenock, telling the creative story of Greenock’s sugar industry. Using the Category A listed Sugar Sheds on James Watt Dock as a catalyst, eight artists worked within the community and reached out to the wider world. Absent Voices was principally funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. Each of the films is directed and edited by Alastair Cook.
Alba is a poem by John Glenday arranged for music by Luci Holland with vocals by Colleen Nicoll, cello by Katie Johnston, piano by Sarah Becker with sound engineering by Josh Sabin. Song of the Clyde was used with permission of the British Council.
The series of eight films was screened in entirety at Body Electric in Colorado, Filmpoem Festival, Felix Poetry Festival in Antwerp and Absent Voices in Greenock); six films in the series were performed live with the poets and composer Luca Nasciuti at the Scottish Poetry Library.