As we reach Filmpoem 15, Filmpoem has grown from Alastair’s desire to bring together friends and promote their work. Alastair has worked with illustrious poets, little-known poets and the next generation of poets: our children. Filmpoem is devoted to delivering excellence in partnership with some of the world’s leading literary organisations and festivals.
Slow Wave Through The City is a poem by Jacq Kelly, published by Colin Herd. Jacq Kelly lives in Edinburgh but dreams of moving to Sweden and becoming a Viking. Until this happens, she spends her time writing poetry, fiction and trying to make a difference in politics as a campaigner.
Slow Wave Through the City was filmed in Edinburgh on 8mm film in Summer 2011 on a long walk with the poet; it was shot using Ektachrome Super8, processed in Kansas by Dwaynes. Looking through all 15 films so far, this is the first which has only Scots contributors for the film, narrative and music. This was not deliberate, but is fitting, since it’s devoted to Edinburgh.